Friday, September 03, 2010

Keto Diet Step 1: Blood Work

People have been asking how Soren is doing on the Keto Diet and I realized I should do an update. He actually hasn't started the diet yet because there are some steps you have to go through beforehand and the first of these is blood work.

They basically have to check and make sure what Soren's levels are on various things so they have a baseline. Plus, they check if he has any metabolic disorders which would prevent him from being a candidate for the diet.

Now getting blood work sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. The amount of blood for all these tests was just crazy. The lab said they would have to do them in-house so they wouldn't have to draw as much from his little body.

Because we were getting blood work done for both the Keto Diet and to check his med levels, Soren had to be fasting and not had his morning meds. So back in July, Aaron took Soren in to get this done. It went smoothly, Soren was a trooper, blood was drawn.

But that was just the beginning. They also needed a fasting/med-free urine sample. Now, Soren doesn't just pee in a cup like you and me. Instead, we have to put this goofy urine collection condom thing over his penis and wait for him to be inspired. The lab didn't have these things at this location. So the next week, I had to drive to their other lab in Azusa to get this. Oy!

Long story short, they gave me 2 baggies, I tried two mornings, Soren was not in the mood to pee. So then I had to get another from his pediatrician's office (just a short drive to Pasadena). I delivered the pee and figured all was good.

But then I got a call from the lab saying that they didn't draw enough blood for all the tests. We we needed to go, yet again, with Soren food and med free. We arrive only to be told by the lab tech that they don't have the kit for one of the blood draws. What the...?

Well, now that's all been resolved and Soren is signed up to start the Keto Diet on September 13th.

But in August, I started my Keto Diet training, which I will fill you in on in my next entry.


1 comment:

Mary Garripoli said...

Soren appears to really enjoy his mom's Keto cooking - he wolfs down lunch every day.