Monday, September 15, 2008

Slacking in My Blogging Duties!

Sorry about my slacking off. As usual, things have been busy! First of all, we had the Triathlon and Team Soren did really well despite some hardships. The good news is, everyone finished safely! Eric Germansky, our lone, solo triathlete did a great job in the swim, bike, and run. Our women's relay actually came in second of all the women's relay teams. Rock on, ladies! And our men's team also finished well despite Keith getting not one, but two flat tires on the ride! But he got those fixed and powered on! The Team Soren Support Team was at the L.A. Live finish in downtown cheering our team on. It was fantastic!

Later that day, we had a party/silent auction/fundraiser honoring our athletes and celebrating Team Soren's success. A good time was had by all.

But my current great news is that Soren has now gone 86 days without a seizure. And he survived a second cold without any breakthrough seizures. He woke up stuffy on Friday with no precursor or seizures the day before. And none the entire weekend. We were a little nervous because, for the first time in almost a year, Aaron and I went away without the kids. We did a quick 27 hour trip to the Bay Area. I was a little nervous when Soren woke with that cold on Friday. But since he didn't have any seizures that day and his respite workers know how to give the Diastat, I felt okay about leaving. And Soren came through with flying colors, which made our trip all the more enjoyable!

I just gotta say, I love Clobazam!


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