Thursday, August 07, 2008


Soren woke up this morning very cranky. When I was giving him his milk, I noticed his nose was stuffy. I was afraid he might have a cold. Then when I stripped him down for his bath, I noticed he was a little warm. Taking his temp, it came to 100.9. Yep. Sick.

What is unprecedented is that his cold was not foreshadowed with a round of seizures. In all of Soren's life, when his defenses are down (or in the process of getting knocked down) he has seizures. We always freak, worrying why he's having the seizures, and then the next day he'll be sick.

But yesterday he was fine. He was happy. He went to school. No seizures. Just the cold today. It's gotta be the Clobazam. And I'm crossing my fingers that, for the first time, Soren has a cold--and just a cold--like any other kid.


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