Thursday, July 09, 2009

New Class, New Teacher

Soren's school has a summer session, and since Soren is 5 going on 6, he was moved up to the next class. This made me a little nervous, since he has been with the same teacher since he was 3. She is awesome and challenging and has been so great for Soren.

But it seems that Soren is adjusting. It took a couple days. I got some notes back saying that Soren was doing some heavy napping. This is his way in a new situation until he feels it out. It's a defense mechanism.

He started in the new class on June 29th. And now, on July 9th, he seems to have adjusted. He went from being attentive 75% to 80% to 90%. That's pretty darn good for our boy!

And he's really seeming to respond to music. His previous teacher noted this when a Marimba band came to perform at the school. Now his current teacher is noting that Soren is responding to music as well. We've been doing some music therapy for the past 4 months or so, so maybe this is waking up some senses.

Anyhow, in the end, while change is scary and sometimes hard, it's also hopefully for the best and helps move things forward.

That's what I'm hoping for my mysteriously musical little boy.
